What age do you start teaching from?
How much do lessons cost?
Am I too old?
Can I sit in on my child's lesson?
Can I have a lesson at the same time each week?
Do you charge a cancellation fee?
Will I have opportunities to play live?
Can I book lessons via email?
Can I learn to play in a band?
Can I learn with a friend?
Do you teach acoustic or electric guitar?
Do you teach bass guitar?
Can I take exams?
Can I network with other students?

What age do you start teaching from?

This depends on the child, some start at 7 or 8 and do really well, while for others you might be best waiting until they are 10 or over.

How much do lessons cost?

Private lessons: £16.50 per half hour
Semi private lessons: £22 each per hour, or £16.50 each per 45 mins
Group lessons: around £12-£14 per hour (depending on the course)

Am I too old?

You're never too old! You might not make it to be the next Eric Clapton, but there's nothing stopping you learning an instrument to a high enough standard to have fun with it.

Can I sit in on my child's lesson?

If it's a private lesson, yes you are most welcome to come and sit in. In fact it's a great way to see how your child is progressing and to get a feel for what the lessons are like.

We don't allow anyone to watch any of the group lessons/workshops as it is unfair to the other students who may get nervous with someone unfamiliar watching.

Can I have a lesson at the same time each week?

Yes. You can reserve a time slot and you will be booked in for this time each week. If for some reason you can't attend one week, just let us know with plenty of notice.

If you attend group lessons the term is scheduled in advance and you will be given the dates before booking.

Do you charge a cancellation fee?

Yes, for private lessons with less than 24hrs notice. For more info on cancellation charges click here.

Will I have opportunities to play live?

Yes. Goodall Guitar School holds many different events and workshops that give you the chance to play live and/or in front of a supportive audience.

Can I book lessons via email?

Yes. Once you have had you're first lesson you can then book via email.

Can I learn to play in a band?

Yes. All the skills you learn during your lessons will be put to good use if you want to join a band or are in one already. There are also Band Workshops that enable you to play along in a full band while gaining help and advice from experienced tutors and those who attend the group lessons have the opportunity to practice with a full band (bass, drums, vocals and guitar) every term.

Can I learn with a friend?

Yes, learning with a friend can not only be great fun but also lets you practice what you've been learning in your own time together while helping each other out. You can either join a group or opt for semi private lessons.

Do you teach acoustic or electric guitar?


Do you teach bass guitar?

Sorry, not in regular lessons. During band workshops there is an oportunity for bassists to sign up and be taught by a bass tutor during the workshop. Same goes for drums.

Can I take exams?

Currently Goodall Guitar School doesn't offer any form of exams, but will do in the future.

Can I network with other students?

Yes. Joining a group, or attending an event is a good way to meet other students. We also have a forum to chat on and are on Facebook and MySpace.

If you have a question that's not answered here please conact us via the contact page!
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